Wednesday, September 2, 2009

August 31, 2009: Shots and Growth Charts

Our boys went to see our family doctor, well nurse practitioner, for the first time on Monday. The nurses loved our darling little boys.

We got caught up on shots and updated on weights and percentiles.

Big H:

Weighs 16 lbs
Is in the 97th percentile for height
His head circumference is in the 79th percentile
His weight, I believe, was 56th percentile

Little H:

Weighs 14 lbs

Is in the 87th percentile for height
I don't remember his head circumference
His weight is in the 19th percentile

I forgot to look at their lengths, but I believe it was something like: Big h is
28in and little H is 26in

The boys did wonderfully at the doctors and the NP just loved them!


  1. Ha ha, I think it's ridiculous that they are already almost as big as Tato. How old are they? Sheesh they are growing fast.

  2. That's my big boys! I am glad they are doing so well.

  3. that would get confusing to keep track of TWO weights & heights, it's hard enough for one. I have them write it down everytime, you should try that!

    Kendra is currently being tracked for weight growth because she's only 5% and use to be 50%, so they are kind of concerned.

    I'm glad your boys are both doing so wonderful! That picture is amazing with such a white background, holy cow!
