Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Baby M is 4 Months Old and He's all Smiles!

The twins were 9 months on Christmas Day last year. Baby M was 4 months on New Year Day. Not really significant, but I thought I'd point out our holiday milestones.

Baby M is doing so much better. I can hardly believe how happy and enjoyable he's been. It's so wonderful to see him be happy more often than upset. And his sweet little spirit shows through even more now that he is feeling better.

It's true we do still have rough days here and there, and he likes to be held more than I'd like to hold him, but we're on our way to better times.

Baby M loves the TV. He's such a couch potato. If only he could teach his brothers to be the same way :)

Baby M is already sitting up, and standing with assistance. Maybe this is normal, but the twins weren't able to do these things until 6 months. The twins were always right on with milestones, but Baby M seems to be ahead. My theory is that it's because one baby has more room to move around than two, when they are in the womb, and because of that they can build up more strength. When I ask the Doctor's about it they say, "It's just because they are twins."

Baby M has started eating veggies this month. Here's the amazing part: he actually likes them! The twins hated veggies. They would cry the whole time they were eating them and they seemed to cause them to get constipated. I fed them fruit- or mixed veggies in with fruit- up until six months when they magically started to eat veggies like candy. Baby M has been doing great with veggies. He eats so well. I was so happy he liked them even though he had sweet stuff first. So far we've tried carrots, squash and sweet potatoes. Tomorrow I'm pulling out the green beans. Wish me luck!

Baby M loves things made out of really soft fabrics and yarn. He rubs his face in them, and sometimes almost has a sensory overload. He really loves it when you strip him down to his diaper and rub the soft stuff all over his tummy.

Daddy's favorite thing about Baby M is that he's getting more ticklish.

Baby M will fall asleep anywhere. The only problem is when you move him he wakes up.

We love our happy little baby boy. And we're happy he's feeling better. I can't believe how different he is now. Putting him on a schedule did amazing things. Did I mention Baby M is a great car rider too? And he handles teething, and other illnesses, better than his brothers. It's just those tummy troubles that get him down.

I love you baby M! I'm sorry for all those times you had to cry because there was nothing more we could do. I'm sorry for always getting frustrated with you. I know sometimes you just don't feel good. Lets hope things only get better!

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