Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter Weekend!

Our Easter festivities began on Friday with dying eggs. We found a great kit where you just roll the paint on with rollers. It was much easier, and much faster. But I did kind of miss the old fashioned vinegar dyes.

Baby M got frustrated with the rollers, so I would just paint his hand and let him hold the egg.

The Easter Bunny was gracious and hid our eggs on Saturday, so we could attend my cousins baby blessing on Sunday. We had a really fun egg hunt in my parents back yard.

After the egg hunt we enjoyed our traditional meal of Eggs-all-a-Goldenrod.

The next day we woke up to more treats from the Easter Bunny.

We then headed to the baby blessing.

We enjoyed the afternoon at a park, in Layton, with family.

Afterwards we enjoyed a peaceful ride home.

Happy Easter!!!

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