Friday, April 11, 2014

Double the Boys Double the Birthdays

The twins birthday crept up on us this year. It actually fell on the day that we planned to leave for Vegas. I asked Craig's sister-in-law if they wanted to celebrate their birthday with us, and she offered to have a hot dog dinner, and s'mores at her house. She even put it all together.

We just brought the cupcakes.

I was so thankful for all she did! The boys loved it!

Got to love Baby S's s'more bum.

And their cousins gave them kites, and other fun toys. They were so excited to fly those kites, and luckily Henderson was windy enough for kite flying.

Then there was poor Little H's crash on the side walk. He was so upset at everything! I think his head really hurt.

When we got back from Vegas we had a small party with my parents, and my brothers fam. We finally gave the kids their gifts from us. They were so excited! A Bat Cave and Superman play set, and new cape shirts.

Then we sang Happy Birthday!

My mom then brought down the present she bought.  They had said they wanted transformers, a Batman robot and a Spiderman robot. The were pretty happy with what she found.

The big robots walk and talk and make all kinds of noises. One of the phrases they say sounds like, "I HATE THE DISHES!" Craig says they are saying, "I'M IN POSITION!" But I'm still sure it's, "I hate the dishes!" That sounds more like something a robot would say don't you think ;)? Or maybe I just enjoy getting some empathy from pushing a button. "Me too, robot man! Me too!"

The boys also got some money and cards from their Grandpa and Grandma Stratton. They were thrilled. Little H went on and on about the kitty card from Grandma. He loved it!

They also celebrated their birthdays at preschool.
I wanted to fill this with a lot of pictures, but I had to shut the computer down about 10 times just to try and get to this point. The program doesn't like to load the big picture files, and it kept freezing. I was also going to send it to be printed, but I put it off till the night before, and we ended up just printing it off at home (I was hoping I could whip it up fast and get it printed that night, but 10 shut downs later I realized that wasn't going to happen).

They also got a treat from The Bishop in Primary.

It was a pretty special birthday for some pretty special boys!

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