Before I post about Halloween Night I wanted to post about the other activities we did this October.
One Tuesday Craig and I headed up to Cornbellys at Thanksgiving Point. If you're looking to join in all sorts of fall/harvest fun. The only problem is that it is kind of expensive. The only way we were able to go was because my mom bought bounce back tickets, when she took my brothers kids, and gave them to us. She even offered to watch the baby for us.
We seriously had so much fun. I think it's been a while since we've been able to go out as a family and enjoy an activity like this because we had such a great time. If it hadn't been so cold we probably would have stayed all night.
The boys enjoyed playing on the little wooden play sets. These things were actually for sale. Wouldn't that be so fun to have in the backyard?
They also really enjoyed this spiderweb thing.
Big H wanted to go inside The Creature. This thing had me on edge last time Craig and I came to Cornbelly's. I'm a huge baby. The other kids didn't want to go so Craig took Big H. I think they bailed out early though.
We also enjoyed riding the tractor train and the hay ride through the corn fields.
We enjoyed other things, like warming up by the fire, going down the big slide, playing the bales of hay, etc. But our camera doesn't have a working flash, so the pictures end here.
But Seriously, we had SO much fun!
The Saturday before Halloween we went to The local Pumpkin Walk. This is hosted by Central Utah Gardens and it's a Pumpkin Carving competition. When the competition is over they display all the pumpkins for everyone to come and see. In these pictures Little M is Spider man, Little H is Robin and Big H is Batman.
We did this last year too, and I believe Little M kind of made it miserable. I was threatening to just take him home. Well we got there this year and I asked the boys to pose for a picture, and guess who threw a fit? Little M. Picture taking isn't going well in this family lately. Well I was at my wits end with stuff like this, and so I gave him a serious talking to. He still wouldn't pose in a photo but he behaved pretty well the rest of the time.
Notice Little M sprinkling hay all over Baby S. Thank you Little M, thank you.
We enjoyed watching the puking pumpkins demonstration while we there too.
Time for us to go, but first I need a pic with my captain.
We got a free doughnut each, at the pumpkin walk, for wearing costumes, and the whole time we were there Big H was begging for another doughnut. I think he even convinced the girl handing them out to give him one. We decided we'd head across the street to Krispy Kreme to get some yummy doughnuts, including their seasonal pumpkin ones, but the line was too long and Craig had to get to work. Big H was driving us crazy begging for another doughnut. I dropped Craig off at work and headed to Macey's Grocer to participate in there Halloween festivities-- my sister in law is in charge of the events at the Orem store. Thankfully they had free doughnuts too, and my sister in law grabbed the boys some before they ran out. Guess who only took 1 bite? My sweet Big H.
Over at Macey's it was kind of chaos. I was pretty much at my wits end too, and just yelled at the boys for the rest of the night. I was just so tired of all those things I have to tell them over and over again all the time. And that I had already said over and over again on our outings today. But we still tried to have fun.
I helped the boys make pasta skeletons. Big H and I made a pasta Batman symbol.
It was a pretty long and trying day. And we still had two hours to kill-- which turned into 3 hours-- waiting for Craig to get off work. *Sigh*
After we got some rest we decided to try going to see the witches at Gardeners Village. We didn't stay long, but we had some fun.
These are supposed to be those 3D chalk drawings.
Not a lot of pictures again. All thanks to my cameras flash. But those were some of the fun things we did to try and fully enjoy this years Halloween!