Halloween is one of my FAVORITE holidays. And it was even better to celebrate it with my 2 little boys this year.

As you can see we spiffed up Hyrum's costume a bit.

Craig took an overtime shift on Halloween, so we started our Trick or Treating early. We were headed out of town to find a good trick or treating spot, and we noticed there was a big parade on Main Street. Apparently it was a big trick or treating event. It looked like fun so we decided to join in.

This is our neighbor's dog. I think she's adorable!

We had to wait in a big line, but once we got to the first bowl of candy things moved along pretty smoothly.

After our Main Street venture Craig went to work and the boys took a nap. When the boys woke up we headed to my parents to do some traditional trick or treating.

I took this picture for Craig. This was in my parent's neighbor's yard.

Later that night the boy's cousins came over and did some trick or treating.

Happy Halloween Everyone!!!