Saturday, March 27, 2010

I meant to do that.

I meant to write about Little H's scabbed nose- which he got from falling down the stairs. . .

and I also meant to write about the boys first milk mustaches. . .

and, of course I was going to post about John and Holly's visit. . .

and the boys over sized Hawaiian shirts. . .

and that Saturday when the weather was nice and we took a walk to Grandma and Grandpa's

And lets not forget my sis-in-law's birthday. . .

Yes, I meant to write a lot of posts, but they never quite made it to the blog. Unfortunately my only excuse is that I was to lazy to load our pictures onto the computer.


  1. Isn't that always the way?! I have oh so many things to share, but downloading and uploading pictures can be a pain!

    So are you sure those are milk mustaches? They're lookin' more like goatees. Impressive! What a funny pair!!!
