I know I need to blog about our trip to Southern Utah, but I have to do a quick catch up first before I get way behind.
First lets cover
That's so Random
One January morning Craig found this huge icicle on our house. I had to get a pic so I could put it on the blog.
You should have seen the fog we had the other night! It was amazing. I couldn't stop taking pictures of it, and yet I never managed to capture how thick it was.
Trying to be Crafty, Creative and Keep us all Sane
I went to buy bibs for the boys the other day and I found them to be a little expensive. So I decided it wouldn't be too hard to throw some together myself. I cut out the patterns and then started to sew them by hand. Only thing was they looked terrible. My grandmother came to the rescue with her sewing machine. Her only request was that I bring them to her next time to cut them. I admit it! I'm a terrible cutter, especially without a pattern. Sigh, one day I'll own a serger.
I started these rewards charts for the twins. I got the idea from Alisa. She said she uses an envelope. The boys may not get it, but I have fun with it. And they seem pretty excited when I pull out the marker to draw a star in the box. When they fill up the boxes they get to pull of the yellow paper at the bottom to reveal their prize. Is it wrong that I'm so excited about this?
Since Craig is gone all the time he started to get sad that he's not here to see the boys growing and changing. Today I decided I'd email him daily pics of the boys and tell him what cute things they did. Will see if I can keep it up. I guess I only have to do it on days that he's not here.
I'm terrible at reading to my children at bedtime, so I'm trying really hard to bring there hour lesson's back. I mentioned them once before. We started doing them in an attempt to get them more used to nursery. I've done pretty good the last few weeks. The boys are starting to pick up on stuff too. We watched the "Letter Factory" movie and they both made the "F" sound. And before it started they were saying the "A" sound in anticipation. Later Big H said purple, orange and square. Little H said red and circle. They are so cute! I had them showing off their new words to everyone.
My sister in law and I decided to meet up at play places once a week so the boys can run around and play and we can sit and visit. The boys decided to feast on some ketchup. More on that later.
Those Silly Boys
The boys were enjoying a lovely lunch the other day. I cooked hot dogs and gave them some ketchup to dip them in. Guess what they ate for lunch? Ketchup! Actually little H did eat most of his hot dog. Big H, on the other hand, had mostly ketchup.
The boys apparently nabbed the camera and took a few snap shots. I thought I'd share one of their works of art. We really need to get them toy cameras before they ruin ours.
My mom bought these foam squares to put down in the boys room. We ripped out their carpet because their room was always flooding, and I didn't want to deal with it on top of everything else. Thanks Mom!
I hope this video works. Baby M has been making new sounds. And boy are they cute!
Seriously! Adorable!
Births and Birthdays
My friend had her baby at the beginning of the month and I just had to put it in a post because I'm so excited for her. She is going to be an awesome mom! May I also mention that when we went to see her I could hardly walk ten feet without someone stopping me to tell me how cute my kids are. I still find it funny how complete strangers will drool all over my kids as if they were their own.
Nephew M just celebrated his 1st birthday! What a cutie! We love having him in the family, and I was so glad he made a mess of his cake.
That about cover's it. I think. I guess will call it good. It's a pretty long post already.
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