We had yet another busy week here at the Stratton home.
On Wednesday John, Holly and baby D paid us a visit. We all went out to dinner and then we went shopping at the mall.

They decided to stay, so Craig and John stayed up all night playing the Wii. It was so fun to have some visitors!
My cousin had called me earlier that day and informed me that the woman I used to care, for before I moved to St. George, had passed away. I'm glad my Aunt and my Cousin read the paper because they always seem to be the one's informing us when loved ones die. I decided to pay a visit to the parents of the woman the next day. I only wish I had visited while she was still alive.
That night we went to a friend's reception. I used to work with her at Barratt. In fact she's the one that subbed for me while Craig and I were on our honeymoon.

The next day I had to go to a training meeting for work, and my parents graciously agreed to watch the boys. My mom watched them in the morning and my Dad watched them in the afternoon. I have to send out a special Thank You to my Dad. He took on a lot that day.
He was doing a great job, but I'm sure he's still glad that I got off early.
My Dad had planned to go and visit my Grandma A, and I decided to join him since it's been a while since she's seen the boys.
We had fun visiting, and seeing how the garden is coming along.

That night we had another reception. This one was for a friend who choreographed a play I was in, and that was at Tuacahn while I was there. Him and his wife are moving to Florida and he's going to choreograph the parades for Walt Disney World.

Saturday was the funeral. It was a very nice service, and the weather cleared up just as we were heading to the grave site. It's strange but I don't find myself sad when these special spirits pass on. I will miss them, but I imagine that things are so wonderful when they are finally released from this life. I also think this will be a great relief to her parents as well. Now they won't have to worry about the care she receives after they pass on.

On Thursday I went to Burlington to try and find some appropriate funeral attire for the boys. The only matching suits I could find were for 18 months. Funny thing is they almost fit just right. Even funnier is that that didn't surprise me.

On Saturday I realized that I didn't have black socks. These socks were the best I could come up with.