Sunday, August 30, 2009

Wednesday August 26, 2009: A Pirates Party for Me! Well for my Nephew

Happy Happy Birthday!

My mom, my sis-in-law, Craig and I all helped to put together a Pirate Party for my Nephew's 5th birthday. My sister-in-law did a Pirate Party for her little boy not too long ago, so we decided to give it a try for my nephew's party. It was so much fun I think I want to have a Pirate Party on my birthday ;)

Such a cute little Pirate.

I told my mom I would do the map because I love doing stuff like that. I of course recruited Craig to help, and he had a blast. Towards the end he took over and put on some fun embellishments. I give credit to Craig for how totally awesome the map turned out!

As always, I have to get way into things. I bought these Pirate outfits for the boys as a just-in-case Halloween costume. Might as well get some use out of them right? And when you have a perfectly good pirate outfit sitting in your closet why not wear it when the occasion calls for it?

This is one of three treasure chests we hid in the park.

The end of the treasure hunt. Yar!

Time to open presents!

And now for the cake. Apparently Costco will make you a custom cake- if the decorator of the day doesn't mind. It doesn't cost anymore than the normal cakes either. You just feel out an order form and draw a picture on the back of what you want.

Craig and I made this for the map.

And we put directions for opening the treasure chests on the bottom of each chest.

After the friends left we moved the party to another park, so my nephew's family could come and celebrate his birthday.

The boys tried out the swings for the first time.

We also got to meet the newest addition to my nephews family.

Yar! A Pirate's Life for me!


  1. OMG tricia!!!!!!!!!
    the picture with your two pirate boys, you & Kaden is sooooo adorable!!

  2. super stinkin' cute! i'm glad you're warming up for talk like a pirate day sept 19 ;)

  3. Thanks!

    One of the reasons Craig let me get the Pirate outfits is because of talk like a pirate day ;) Now we each have pirate outfits. For this year at least :)

  4. Have you read the book "How I Became A Pirate". The little pirates are adorable! What perfect pirates outfits. Tricia you have done it again. Another fun activity. Give all of my pirates a kiss. I miss all of you.
