Sunday, November 30, 2014

I Don't Like to Brag. . .Unless It's About My Kids ;)

Here's some random fun things the boys have been up to lately.

This is a note from Little H telling me how upset he is that we're not getting a kitty and that he is going to run away.

The boys got into drug free week at school. This is from "Dress up Like What You Want to be When You Grow Up" day. We have a pilot and a firefighter. Isn't Big H's hat the best. They both look adorable!

The boys have had fun with letters and writing their names with different things. They are so smart. Big H has been loving school. However, he stayed home sick and will now always say, "I can't go to school" *cough* *cough* "I'm sick." Little H really struggles with school. The social side of it is just not for him. But he does super well at his homework, and focuses really well. Little M is taking off. He is kind of a little advanced for preschool. He's making leaps and bounds I almost get anxious and want to tell him to slow down. Perhaps if we can get him reading he can just skip kindergarten. I'm just worried about him getting bored. He already kind of is with preschool. He wants to go all the time and he always wants to do homework with his brothers.

Little H spelled his name with legos. I thought it was rather creative.

Here's Little S enjoying some snacks. The first was a sucker that I had saved since about high school.

Trying to show Dad his delicious cookie.

Little M loves to have me take weird random pictures of him. The first photo was a lovely outfit chose of his. The shirt is Little S's. It is size 18 months. 

That Little S has quite the personality. He had on a pair of shoes, but insisted that I put on these mismatched shoes instead. If you know Little S you know he is quite insistent.

Little S also decides to do some of the most. . .well. . .interesting. . .things. The week of Little H's surgery, and where I worked like crazy, I took a minute to lay down. I had just brought in a bunch of eggs from outside. Here is how many were in the fridge when I went to lay down

And here is how many were left when I came back upstairs. 

Where were the eggs? Little S decided that they needed to decorate the floor. Why he did this? I do not know. That's just what happens when I try to take a minute to relax. Oh well. We cleaned it up, and we got more eggs, so I guess there is no harm done. Just a lot of frustration.

Silly boys! But we're having fun! :)

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