Little H had to get another eye surgery on November 17. This is the 5th procedure he's gone in for since Thanksgiving last year. Three of those have been surgeries, and two of those surgeries were for his eye. Poor kid. This surgery was to remove his lens that had been clouded from a cataract and replace it with a new one. The hope was after this surgery that we could start putting a patch on his good eye and getting his vision back in the bad eye.
Here we are the night before. I took a pic with Little H and than all the other kids wanted to join in.
Here we are up bright and early for the surgery. Little H requested that I wear my Superman shirt.
He was so brave and so calm. They didn't even give him the drugs that help you relax. Of course, when it came to doing eye drops he still put up a fight.
He's ready to go in. His Kittys' are all there to keep him safe during the surgery.
It wasn't long until one of the doctors came to tell us that he had gotten all the images he needed, and the surgery was now starting. He said we would start patching, but it was going to be a huge fight to get sight back in that eye.
Than the other doctors came in. They said that the surgery went well, but there was a lot of scar tissue. Apparently while they were removing scar tissue. they damaged a part of his eye that can't be repaired. With that part of the eye damaged there would now be no point to patching because he won't ever be able to gain vision back in that eye. He still has some vision, but there is now no hope of it improving.
This news hit everyone hard. It's hard to find out that a part of you child is damaged beyond repair. It definitely isn't the worst outcome, but we certainly were hoping for a better one. However, Little H has not had vision in that eye for a while, and will probably never know the difference. And we'll keep trying herbs and other remedies to see what happens. You never know :).
Post op. His kitty's were great surgical companions.
He really hated the bandage on his eye, but they told us not to take it off till he went to see the Doctor the next day. He screamed about it a lot, but he eventually calmed down enough so we could get him to drink something and he could go home.
Luckily Grandma was able to get him to sleep.
Some neighbors came buy to bring the boys some treats and see how everyone was doing. Little H showed them all his kitties including his new one that I bought for him at the gift shop. He LOVES his kitties.
He wanted to spend the night at Grandma's so he left his new kitty with me so I wouldn't be alone.
Here he is recovering.
He's been doing so well since the surgery. He even is doing pretty well with the eye drops.
3 days ago
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