Saturday, April 24, 2010

They're biting at the Stratton Home.

Some how Big H is the victim of all our incidents. If an injury is going to happen it usually happens to him first- if not only.

This morning he kept letting out these quiet, high pitched, whimpering cries. It was a cry I'd never heard before, and I couldn't figure out what it was for. That was until I discovered the bite mark.

I didn't know if he'd bit himself, or if he was the victim of his brothers chompers, so I called Craig to see if Little H had been biting. I soon discovered that from the way the mark was made it was impossible for it have come from Big H himself. Yes that's right. Little H is a biter.

I then went to the store with my mom, and when we returned I noticed the mark was still there.

And there was one on his other arm that I didn't see earlier- just ignore the finger in this photo.

Then later that day I noticed his hand was looking chubbier then usual. The swelling had gone down by the time I took this photo.

Our best guess is that he was bit by something besides his brother.


  1. Oh, poor boy. This is the age when a lot of kids go through a biting stage. I hope it passes soon.

  2. Poor baby. It's rough when you're little. Hazel and Tomy bite each other regularly - it's such a joy :b NOT! Good luck with that.

  3. Poor Henry! I am sure momma kissed it better. It doesn't sound nice, but I hope it was a bug!
