Wednesday, November 10, 2010

How Things Have Changed

There are three things that I have a hard time with when it comes to babies.
  1. I have a hard time when a baby needs to be held and needs attention all the time
  2. I have a hard time when a baby won't stick to a schedule and fills my days with unpredictability.
  3. And I have a hard time with babies that can't self sooth- though that is something that usually comes as they get older.

These two things have made life very hard with Baby M. But I'm happy to report those days are over.

On Monday I made a simple decision. I decided that after I had tried all the things I could think of to help Baby M feel better, if he was still fussy, I'd just let him cry it out.

He has steadily gotten calmer and more content. He now sticks to more of a schedule and his feedings go so much smoother now. He's just calmer and more content, I'm happier, I can sit down and play with all the boys now during the day and I am still able to accomplish things around the house without so much stress- which is just wonderful.

So the two month report is that things are finally getting better around here.

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