The standards for nursery have changed since the last time I associated with it- which was when my Nephew K was going. I was way unprepared for what nursery would be like for the boys, and I didn't prepare them very well either. I definitely appreciate what the leaders have done. I have seen the advantages to having a structured and scheduled environment. And with young kids that sort of thing could only help not hurt. The only problem is that the twins just aren't used to doing activities like coloring and singing. I can't even get them to sit down and watch T.V. for more than 5 minutes. I decided I should try and get them more used to the things they'd be doing in nursery. So three days a week we sit down, and have an hour or so of lessons- I can't think of a better way to describe it.
We start off with some dancing. My goal is to try and get the twins to follow my directions, and do as I'm doing. They are very good at jumping when I ask them to.
Then we watch a movie. We've been watching Leap Frog's The Letter Factory letter's 'A' through 'D'. I try to get the boys to sing along with the songs. They have actually started to say some of the letter sounds.
Then we color. We've been coloring pictures of squares. The boys have both started coloring on their own. Big H was the first and the next day Little H picked it up- and yes, I saved both those papers.
After coloring we do singing time. We sing about 3 songs, and I try to get them to do the actions with me.
When all is said and done we have a snack then we play with toys, and life, in the Stratton home, returns to it's normal self. As normal as we know how to be at least.
4 Lessons Learned
2 days ago
I love this! So fun that you have 2 to do it with. Its not as fun with just one (James). :-)