Monday, December 13, 2010

We're Dreaming of a White Christmas

Our Boots are waiting anxiously by the door for some snow to go traipsing around in.

I have to say I'm rather sad that there is no sign of snow. And, yes, I even find myself disappointed with the 40+ degree weather we're having- it almost got up to 60 today. I love snow around the holidays, and the bad part about it being warm now is that it's going to be cold later.

But while we wait and dream of our White Christmas we've been keeping busy.

The boys learned how to climb into the crib. This doesn't bode well for wanting to move the baby down to there room one day.

We decorated the boys room. Thanks to Grandma A the boys have a tree that's all their own, and it's decorated with non-breakable ornaments that the can pull off and play with.

Little H became a career man and he's now ready and off to work- Fisher Price Doctor Play set and all.

Big H became a reindeer. This may be taking that love of animals to a new extreme ;)

I got the house all decorated.

Little H has been perfecting his biting skills.

We attended the Ward Christmas Party. My parents came along to help since Craig was at work that night.

This nice lady held Baby M for me while I ate.

The boys had fun running around and playing with the other kids. Funny how sometimes they can be so shy and other times they are so outgoing.

We've kept up our hygiene. Baby M loves baths.

And Baby M got a high chair.

Jack Frost I hope you deliver before Christmas rolls around.

1 comment:

  1. Cute decor! I love Christmas time and while I too am dreaming of a white Christmas which will never come to us, I am also glad that I don't have to shovel, scrape the windshield or even put the kids in coats half the time! But...I do hope it snows for Christmas for ya'll in Utah! :)
