Thursday, February 10, 2011

9 Stars Gets You a Prize!

As I mentioned in earlier posts, the boys have a rewards chart now. When they do something really well I give them a star. After 9 stars they pull the paper off at the bottom to reveal their prize. So far they have earned a trip to the store to get a treat, a night of staying up late to watch a movie and a trip to a playplace. The picture above is from the night they stayed up to watch a movie. They sat next to each other on the couch, ate popcorn and snuggled a little. It was the sweetest thing until they started fighting and popcorn got spilled everywhere. After this night they learned the word "Movie". They pronounce it "Moofie". The movie they watched that night was "The Letter Factory". It's one that I've been using to try and get them into movies. Now every second of the day they ask to watch the "Moofie". And, yes, it has to be "The Letter Factory".

Today I took them to a playplace. My plan was to go and have Craig meet us there on his way home. Well Craig's work had another idea and they called him in for a meeting of some sort. So there I sat, by myself with my three children at the Del Taco Play Place. I worked it all out rather well though. I knew I'd have to get the baby a bottle, so we took care of that as we were walking in. The counter to get the food is just a step away from the playplace door so it wouldn't be hard to leave for a sec to grab my tray. And then we changed bums on our way out. We stayed there until nap time, so I came home and put the twins right to bed. Aren't you impressed? I am! ;)

*The funny thing was that I was juggling two playplaces in my head. Would McDonalds be easier? I would have to wait for the food, before entering the playplace, with the kids because the playplace is in the back of the store, but I could fill up the baby's bottle with ease because they have bathrooms inside the playplace. Or go to Del Taco? Retrieving the food would be easier there, but in order to fill up the bottle I'd have to either:

  • leave the kids while I ventured clear across the restaurant to the bathrooms- not really an option.
  • ask for a cup of hot water when I ordered- assuming they had some.
  • Or fill the bottle up with all three kids as I entered the store.
There is another option where I take all three kids out of the playplace to go to the bathroom with me, but that sounded so ridiculously inconvenient it didn't even make the list.

McDonalds won originally, but quickly lost when we found out their playplace was being remodeled. This was after I had gotten everyone out of the car too.

1 comment:

  1. Logistics, logistics! :) Always an adventure with a cute little three ringed circus.
