We apologize for the recent delay in delivering your videos. Our company has undergone some recent changes and has had to reevaluate it's production line process. In order to thank you for you patience, and show our gratitude for your loyalty, we bring you two videos from the Stratton family archive. We hope you enjoy your videos. They were ranked high when shown to our focus groups.
May I also apologize for the sloppiness of our camera man, woman, person, etc. In the excitement to catch this rare ritual, of the oldest twin brothers asking for music and breaking out into dance, she failed to position the camera correctly. We try hard to ensure a quality viewing experience here at Stratton's Video but often times our camera men, women, people, etc. are over worked, sleep deprived, dazed, confused and perhaps a little absent minded.
Once again we apologize for the delay in delivering your videos to you within a resonable amount of time. We ask for your continued support and loyalty and promise to keep delivering videos on a monthly, bimonthly, trimonthly or whenever we can get to it basis.
Founder, co-owner, and all of the above of Stratton's Video
3 days ago
Thank you Stratton Video for such high quality entertainment. The Gubler family loved this! That giggle - hilarious! What a sweetie. And the boys sure have some amazing moves. We've only watched them a million times each.