Thursday, October 4, 2012

Tales of Baby S.

Baby S is now almost 4 weeks old. We've really enjoyed having him in our family-- even if it still feels a little unreal at times. He's pretty easy going, and manageable. About once a day he has a fussy period, and it is usually at a time of the most inconvenience, but other than that he's a pretty good baby.

He is really interactive and observant. He plays with his blankets a lot, and sucks on his cute little fingers and when he's awake he really seems to take a lot in.

He seems to have such different looks. I told Craig it feels like I have at least 3 different babies. He looks different every time I see him. And he's already getting some chub and loosing that newborn look. It's so hard to believe he's growing that fast.

We went to the doctors and they said everything looked good. They only asked that we bring him back in a week to check his weight, which I still need to do. They said it was probably just the different scales, but they wanted to make sure.

Other than that he's just a happy, healthy baby boy! And we're enjoying what we can of his babyhood!


  1. He's so cute! Wish I could snuggle him. :)

  2. A whole month?! Time is so relentless - it's mind boggling. Baby S is undeniably adorable.
