Sunday, September 15, 2013

And Yet There's More. . .

We had some fun adventures in August. We took the boys to Lagoon for giving up their binkies. We actually went twice thanks to bounce back-- and my parents. These pics are from the second trip. The second time we went a neighbor watched Baby S for us-- and refused payment. People are sure gracious to our little fam. :)

The boys loved the rides. They rode every single one that they could-- except the haunted houses. They could ride practically everything except the really big roller coasters. We rode a roller coaster called Bombora. Big H had a chance to ride up front once and we had to ride there every time after that.

These pics are from the Sea Odyssey ride.

This is the Tea Cup ride.

The boys wrestling in line. They could be little stinkers waiting in line. Especially Little M. He had a break time every time the ride would start without him.

Little M wanted to give me a kiss.

Craig and I got to take off and ride some rides by ourselves. It was so fun!

Here's everyone on the Merry-Go-Round.

We are trying to take little trips down South and do some cleaning appointments to help pay for it. This was our first trip. It was kind of bumpy and crazy. But we survived, and we can still stand the sight of each other, so that's good ;).

We had to get a hotel with a pool.

Baby S playing peek-a-boo with the handicap accessibility chair.

The boys lounging by the poolside.

We also paid a trip to the outlets.

We had a pretty nice little get away. But it was a pretty exhausting trip.

The next weekend was Labor Day weekend. We got a visit from my Aunt and Uncle who live in Vegas. It was so good to see them. We enjoyed a party at the pool. So fun!

 Here are some more pics from Craig playing with his camera.

And another request for a picture with an action figure. Little H and Iron Man-- the boys are always asking, "Is that Tony, Tony Stark?"

*Bonus Story*
One Sunday to get Little H into his church clothes I told him he could wear them over his Superman shirt and be Clark Kent. He liked that idea, and now whenever he's wearing a shirt and tie he says, "I'm Clark Kent."

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