Friday, September 13, 2013

What's That? More Catching Up? Here We Go. . .

Some crazy things have been going on lately. In fact I don't think people could believe how crazy our lives are. I don't think I believe it. Here are some events that have happened recently. In no particular order.

In an effort to keep our vehicles clean we bought some certificates to a local car wash. The boys thought the wash was the bee's knees, 

To celebrate the end of Summer Semester-- and the fact that I passed the classes-- we had a pool party. Some neighbors came over and we had some hotdogs and s'mores.

We found a new home for our rooster. We were pretty sad about it. He was pretty, and a good bird. But the city left a tag on our door, so we knew we had to say goodbye.

We finally had a yard sale in September. The turn out was pretty good.

We finally got pumpkins planted in our yard, and they have gone crazy. You should see them now. Can't wait for the Pumpkin Party in October.

Craig is working on getting into the ROTC. Doesn't he look handsome. They gave him so much stuff that we can't find a place for it all. Not surprising, we're running out of room in our house because he need help completing all our projects. Life is kind of frustrating, and full of a whole bunch of new ventures. I just hope we don't break trying to keep up.

Baby S loves Millie and Millie loves Baby S. These two are painfully cute together. Baby S is always patting her and cuddling her, and she lets him. Plus she protects him, which is so sweet. Poor Millie needs a haircut.

We have made many ventures to UVU for classes and financial aide. I took the boys out to the commons area while we were waiting for Craig. It was hard to keep them out of the pools though. Most places we go to they can splash and play around as they please.

The twins started preschool! I was so excited for them. They are going to my good friend's Preschool. They went two days, and then I looked at our bank account and found the money for the check was gone due to things clearing when I hadn't expected them too. With a house payment coming up I knew we wouldn't have the money. So, through many tears, I told my friend we would have to pull them out. I had been trying to set up a rotating preschool in the ward for Little M, so I asked if the twins could take part too. Then my mom called and said she would help pay for the preschool in exchange for cleaning. We put them back in for 1 day a week instead of 2, and they will also go to the neighborhood one. We have had some meltdowns, but they love their teacher and give her hugs and "thank you's" each time. Then they get in the car and say, "OK, lets go get chicken nuggets."

While waiting for the twins to get out of Preschool I took Baby S and Little M for a walk around Orem. We visited a park I played at when I was little, and we walked to a store I walked to many times as a teen. It's weird to share this stuff with my kids. Even though I only live twenty minutes from Orem it doesn't feel like part of my life anymore, but yet it's so wonderful to go back and see those memories sill exist.

Baby S rode like this the whole way. Little M used to do the same thing when he was this age. Little Daredevils.

The twins were so excited about climbing this tree. "Mom, take a picture!" This is Big H, and this is what he said, "Look mom I'm in the tree. I'm like a spider in the tree. Like a Batman spider. I'm a tree  Batman Spider." So cute!

We had fun attending our friends' little boy's 1st birthday.

She did an Aviator theme. Look how cute!

Our boys had fun because it was in the park. And they disappeared while we visited-- we kept a watchful eye ;). But even when they are gone there are traces that they were once here. Wherever they go you will find Superhero memorabilia

Craig bought a new camera for his photography class. Yay for better pictures!

And now for some Random cuteness.
Little H asked me to take a picture of the Captain America Action Figure. I bought this for Baby S's birthday in an effort to get some more variety of action figure in the house, so they stop fighting over stuff. Well now the fight over Captain America.

We gave everyone haircuts because Craig was getting chewed out by his superiors. To Convince Little H I told him I was cutting his hair like Captain America's. He then went around and told everyone that he had Captain America Hair. A few days later he said, "My I need my haircut like Peter Parker."

The boys like to have me draw pics of superheroes. I was drawing Spiderman and Little H said, "That's me! My Uncle is dead."

Little H is also obsessed with the Iron Patriot. He goes around and says, "I'm the Iron Patriot. My name is Rhodes."

Little H also calls the Buick his car. He calls it a Superman car because it has Superman mats and a steering wheel cover. Whenever I take it he says, "Make sure to bring back my car Mom." When I come home he says, "You brought back my Superman car? Thanks Mom!"

The other day when I took the boys to preschool Big H was getting out of the car. I can't remember exactly, but he couldn't move his leg or something so he said, "Mom, my leg is not my own."

 I don't like to change in front of the twins, but Big H won't go anywhere alone, so the other day I told him he could go to the bathroom while I changed. I started changing and he yelled, "Mom! I don't want to see girls naked!" Lesson learned.

One time I accidentally *cough*tooted*cough* while walking with Little H. He said, "Mom was that you? You need to go to the bathroom."

The boys say so many cute things. I wish I could remember it all.


If anyone is interested on learning more about our DoTERRA adventures you can go here. You can also go here.

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