Monday, October 18, 2010

My Little Sweetie Pies!

As I was getting the boys ready to go, up to Salt Lake to visit Travis' grave, on Sunday, I realized I had misplaced a son. In fact I hadn't heard a peep from him in while. I was a little worried. What trouble had he gotten into? I started calling his name, but there was no answer. I looked downstairs, but there was no sign of him. "How on Earth could he have gotten out of the house," I thought. Then I walked into the twins room and I beheld the most precious sight in the world.

Big H had crawled into bed and fallen asleep. I don't know why it struck me, but it was so precious I almost cried.

Here's my other sweetheart.

Look at him so big and strong. He sits in the bumbo every so often. I swear sometimes I've given birth to some sort of super hero. He is so incredibly strong! Thankfully this little guy is doing much better. The heartburn medicine has worked like a dream. He drinks the regular formula just fine now, and has even started to poop normal. He has been eating more ounces, and he's not eating so sloppily anymore. Along with the heartburn medicine I've also been giving him two small servings of rice cereal a day. I know, he's way young and it seems odd, but I promise that I would stop if I thought it was hurting him. When I was a baby I was way colicky and my mom said the doctors suggested rice cereal. She mixed it in with my formula, but since Baby M will only eat with a slow flow nipple I can't mix it in. So I just make him a very small and very soupy serving in the morning and at night. He cries sometimes when he eats it which worried me because with the twins if they cried while they ate it usually meant their bodies wouldn't tolerate whatever they were eating. But he seemed perfectly fine, and it hasn't affected bowel movements at all either. One day we had forgotten to give him his heartburn pill and yet he was still as calm as could be with just the rice cereal. I have to say it's such a relief to know he's feeling better now.

1 comment:

  1. aww... melt your heart. i always tear up and feel so sentimental when my kids crawl into their own bed and fall asleep.
    it just seems like a mature thing to do, to take care of yourself-- in a way, I think its a milestone in itself!!
    how cute.
