Sunday, June 24, 2012

"Take a Picture!"

Big H has started requesting that I "take a picture" of various things. Most of the time it's him. He then takes my phone, carries it around and looks at his cute little picture with glee.

Here are some shots I've snapped at Big H's request.

One shot is of a bird on a wire he saw at my friends house. He kept saying, "That's the bird in his home."

He got rather concerned when the bird left his "home".

Another shot is him showing off his lightening bolt. I have to draw it on his tummy everyday as part of his super hero obsession. For those of you that might have drawn the conclusion that he is imitating the flash, I must add a correction. He is very insistent that he is Lightening Bolt, not the flash.

1 comment:

  1. Well, if you HAVE to "take a picture" I can't think of any cuter subject. What a cutie! My kids always wanted to take videos of themselves on my little point and shoot camera. Watching them saved our sanity on any number of dr. visits.
