Sunday, September 16, 2012

My Little Birthday Boy

My little Baby M turned 2 on September 1st. With that, and the addition of a new baby, I think we can upgrade him to Little M.

We had a little party on Saturday and they made him some birthday cards, in nursery, on Sunday.

My Little M gets more grown up all the time. He now points to his chest and says, " I'm ah-man," when he is wearing his Spiderman shirt.

And he smiles and says, "Ghee," whenever mom holds up the camera.

He also says please, thank you, sorry and lub you. He talks more, and clearer all the time.

Here's the cute stinker in his birthday hat, also made in nursery.

This will be yet another post I'll write more about later. My list of posts to catch up on is getting steadily longer. Maybe one day I'll get my hands on real internet again.

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