Tuesday, May 19, 2009

May 19,2009: The Baby Boy's Blessings

Apparently there is Stake Conference on the Sunday we chose to bless the boys. Even though we called the bishop, asked the Bishop, told him we were sending out invites and needed to know for sure, we still ended up planning a blessing on the same day as Stake conference. I know some of you have already made travel plans, no need to fear, I have talked with the stake president and they decided to reschedule Stake Conference(I threatened to make him help resend out all the invites, cook dinner, do laundry and feed two 2 month old babies). Sound unbelievable? OK it is. But I was tempted. The boys will be blessed after Stake Conference. Probably around 12:30 or so. There will still be a luncheon afterward. I will be sending out updated invites, but I just wanted to give everyone a heads up.


  1. cutie pootie snuggle bear babies! thanks for changing your blog.

  2. Thanks! I love these pictures! Out of the session these one's were my favorites. Yeah I tried to get the yahoo blog to work, but it just wasn't. The last last straw was when I found out you can't view the blog without logging into yahoo. That defeats the whole purpose of us starting a blog.

  3. So Levi was cruising through your blog lasterday and said with a lovey-dovey soft voice, "oh, sweet smile." He NEVER comments, so I thought I'd make the comment for him.
