Tuesday, May 26, 2009

May 26, 2009: Memorial Day, the boys are two months old!

Yesterday the boys turned 2 months old, and they took their first dip in a swimming pool. It was too cold to try to put them in all the way, so we just dipped their little toes in. Then we took them up to the jetted tub for some real swimming lessons. I would have gotten more pictures, but we dropped the camera into the tub. I told Craig, "I already said you could have a new camera, you didn't have to try and break the old one." Luckily our camera still works. At least well enough for me to get some photos off of it.
The usual norm on Memorial Day is to visit my brother's grave, but this year we decided to take the first, slightly chilly, dip into my parents pool. It was a fun party. My brother and his wife came, along with my two little nephews. And my Grandparents, on my mom's side, showed up as well- I even got to sneak in an extra hot dog. It was a good day!



  1. LOL! I love the extra hot dog comment, that's awesome :)

    their pool is NICE. I need to come dawn and see their house. You guys should hold a party or something so I can have a real reason to come down. (I have a hard time getting around to things unless I have a reason).

  2. My mom was going to throw a house warming party. But I think that time has passed. I'm sure we could find some excuse to party this summer.
