Sunday, June 21, 2009

June 20 and 21: Happy Father's Day Weekend!

Well we had to postpone our Father's Day plans until a later date- when we can actually decide what to do- but we had a pretty good weekend.

We went and visited my Grandpa Andreason's Grave on Saturday. I was really glad we were able to do that. It was pouring rain but we got some quick snap shots of the boys.

On Sunday I got up and helped the boys sign their card for daddy, then I made Craig breakfast in bed and then we got ready and went to church.

We took some family pictures and then we kind of relaxed all day.

Later in the day we went to visit my Grandpa Guthrie. Then we headed to my parents house for some dinner. It was a very nice weekend. I think Craig enjoyed his first Father's Day!


  1. They are getting so big! I need to see them again.

    P.S. That poem is awesome! I'm very impressed

  2. Happy Pop's Day, Craigy! What an adventure you must be having! Happy Birthday Soon, too! I let the kids play in our little wading pool today, I couldn't help but think of you. Love and miss you much, even if you are all grown up and I'm really old!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. ill always miss those pools, they always made the summer better. thanks fathers day was pretty good for a first time i definitely don't have any complaints - craig
