Friday, June 26, 2009

June 24, 2009: They do like Swimming! They really do!

I finally got to give my boys a real swimming experience! On Wednesday a couple of my friends from work invited me to join them at the Veteran's Memorial Pool in Provo. So I got the boys all lathered up, put on all of the necessary swim diapers and off we went.

We haven't really been able to tell if the boys like the pool since its been too cold to take them in my parents' pool. But Wednesday was perfect swimming weather and the boys enjoyed hanging out by the poolside. They're little baby floats- compliments of my sister in law- worked beautifully. I'm so happy we finally got a good swim experience in. Maybe those swimsuits won't be a waste of money after all ;)


  1. Looks like fun! We'll have to take our kids swimming together sometime. Tato loves swimming too!

  2. Those boys look like they were made for maxin' and relaxin' out by the pool. Such fun!
