Friday, July 16, 2010

July 9 and 10: Yard Sale!

We finally held our Yard Sale, and it went GREAT! I was really surprised how well it went.

This was the set up on opening day. We made some sales on Friday, but Saturday was killer! There were crowds of people until about 1:00, and then a few stragglers after that. Everyone said they were happy to come to our sale because we had all the shade.

Look at my fancy clothes line- or clothes tree I guess. I've been wanting one so we bought it just in time to use as a display for the clothes we had for sale.

Look at those cuties! We had a couple offers for them. I told the people I might consider renting them out :) I couldn't wait to pull those fleece PJ's off of them. It was making me hot to look at them.

The boys crawled around and got into some sort of mess. Probably a puddle in our driveway. I pretty much planned on them getting messy during the sale anyway so it was no big deal. They made up for it by letting me take this way cute picture.

The sale went so well Craig wants to do another one. I was exhausted but I said we could as long as he was willing to wake up and do the work.


  1. Very cool! I am glad the sale went well for you. Nick has so much stuff that I am blown away that he still has. He has a hard time throwing away stuff, so maybe a yard sale is the key to de-junking our spare bedroom.

  2. that IS lucky how much shade you got.
    i'm glad it went good for you!
