Friday, July 17, 2009

Sweet Moments!

I just have to share that I find it so adorable that at four months old my little guy still snuggles into his brother's shoulder. Just like he did in the womb.

Its so fun to watch these two as they grow, and start to become more aware of each other. The other night my big little boy was crying and screaming. I laid his little brother down next to him- or Craig did. I can't really remember- and he grabs his brothers arm and cuddles up to him. I don't think it made the crying stop, but it was sweet to see him try to comfort his brother.

Such sweet boys!


  1. 'dorable boys! that shoulder looks pretty cozy.

  2. that is way cute.. aww..

    dang you have been blogging so much lately I can't keep up!
