Wednesday, May 12, 2010

By the Sweat of our Brow. . .

We were able to get quite a bit of yard work done with the warm weather we've had this spring. It feels good to look at my yard and like what I see. We are planning on getting some more plants of course, but I can look at it now and know that one day my yard may look as nice as my Dad's- OK maybe I won't shoot that high.

We did finally get a Lawn Mower thanks to my Dad, so our lawn doesn't look like a poodle groomed by a blind man anymore.

And we solved the mud hole situation.


  1. We've been working in the yard a lot lately too. It's been lots of fun and the yard looks better than it ever has in our five years of ownership - just in time for us to move :b

    Isn't it nice having a home with an established yard?! Even if that means random assortments of plants. I'm not looking forward to starting from scratch - I can't even imagine how much it's going to cost in $ and time. It's worth it though.

    I'm glad you're having a nice time in your yard. It looks very pretty.
